What's the latest update on the new Discover Page?

Umi Nursahira

Last Update vor einem Jahr

Discover Page is where you can explore highly engaging, popular products from other Shopple users.

Clicking on any of these recommendations will take you to their profile, where you can see what else they have shared lately. It's a great way to discover new products from other Shopple users.

Another addition to our Discover Page is that you can now repost other peoples' product recommendations by clicking the '+ Add' button.

Once you successfully repost the Shopple product, it'll automatically be visible on your Shopple Page.

The repost feature is a great way to share products you love on your Shopple page with your audience, and the reposted product will show the original Shopple user to give credit to them.

The Discover Page also has an unlimited scrolling feature, which means you will never see an empty page when browsing through all the products on Shopple!

Last but not least, you can also have another option to discover more products at the bottom feed of your Shopple Page instead of scrolling through the Discover Page.